farewell sweet year…
…you have been amazing!
well, it has been exactly one week since the last orders were shipped. but don’t think i’m sitting down eating bon-bons. oh no! there’s much to do: cleaning, creating, remodeling, restructuring!! there’s a long list, my friends! the studio is officially closed now until february 2011. email will be checked weekly, so don’t fret if it takes a few days for a response.
thank you so very much for all the love and sweet comments!
merry wishes,
Friday Fun Day | california baby photographer
Happy Friday, friends! I just had to sign off for the weekend with a shot of a cute little bug. Speaking of bugs, there was something in the grass the day of this shoot. I got 8 crazy bites that have nearly driven me to insanity this past week. Worse than a mosquito’s bite. Worse that poison oak (and i’m highly allergic). Worse than the hives I had my entire pregnancy. Yes, they really were quite traumatizing. This picture serves to remind me, though, that it was well worth the week of torture. I’m thinking this one should grace the studio walls!!!