Category archives: san luis obispo newborn photographer

Ten Little Toes | San Luis Obispo California Newborn Photographer

Oh, these little ‘dootsies’  make me think of Mem Fox’s Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes.  It’s one of our favorite baby books…such sweet verses and the illustrations are absolutely adorable!  Perhaps it’s because I read this to my own babe every night before bed that I’m a little obsessed with toes these days.  Or maybe it’s just that all of the newborns in the studio this summer are toying with me…maybe I should have just one more babe!?!  🙂

It sure seems like ages since I’ve had a chance to post anything on the blog.  And while I’ve missed it here, I have to say, I’ve been having the most amazing summer!  Between meeting all kinds of beautiful babes, kiddos and families throughout the state, I’ve been spending time with my own family and finishing up a few special projects.  As a result, this place has been a bit neglected in the busy-ness of it all.  It may be a bit quiet around here for another few weeks, while I soak in every last bit of summer between shoots…but take heart, I’ll catch up as soon as possible.  🙂



Framed | California Children’s Photographer

Remember the Monochrome post from a few weeks ago?  Well, I had so much fun with my friends on our last blog carousel challenge that I thought I’d try again on this month’s theme:  FRAMED.

You know, if you look up the word ‘framed’ has quite the menagerie of meanings.   What is the first thing that pops into your head when you hear the word?  A picture frame?  Construction? (i.e.,  the framing of a building) A scene from Law & Order?  (like, ‘It wasn’t me…I was framed!’) To me, I think of it as composition.  Wherever I go, even if my camera is not in my hands, I’m framing what I see.  (Does it follow the rule of thirds, is it balanced, is there dynamic movement across the scene….)   I may or may not have even gone so far as to position the video monitor in such a way that it would display the most pleasing image of my sleeping baby.  Yes, I’m like that.  🙂

So, when I see children picking up a camera and composing with a camera I get all warm and fuzzy inside!    It’s amazing to watch as they frame their first image…and experience the thrill of capturing a scene.  This little angel was the perfect model for demonstrating just that.  The funny thing is…I was the one who was framed!  (thankfully there was no film in the camera….)

california children's photographer, specializing in studio photography and commercial children's photographyframed child with vintage camera, modern kids portraits

As I mentioned, there are sooo many different takes on the theme…click on over to New Jersey and New York City Baby, Child and Family Photographer Tara McGlinchey’s site for more framed fun!


The Same, Yet Different | California Newborn Baby Photographer

The child must know that he is a miracle, that since the beginning of the world there hasn’t been, and until the end of the world there will not be, another child like him

– Pablo Casals

How amazing that these two little guys, so the same and so connected, are so uniquely different.  Twins are absolutely fascinating!