.she’s here.
and not a moment too soon! 🙂 meet the newest member of the Maksoudian family…baby B. we spent the past two days with my dear friends Jen Wilson and Raye Law capturing the first days of my baby girl. (yes, it REALLY IS A GIRL!) miss Raye calls this picture ‘the spice’ of what little girls are made of. and although she just landed back in arkansas a few hours ago, she’s already downloaded and processed her images! it will be days if not weeks before i get a chance to process anything myself, but i’m so thankful that my girlfriends were here to forever remember the perfection of little B. now if there were some way to bottle up the sweet breath, the yummy smell, and the incredible softness of her brand new skin. 🙂
.new news. san luis obispo california childrens photographer
in case you hadn’t heard, the maksoudian family is expanding by one! at the moment, I am the one who has expanded…but give us another 10 days or so and hopefully our new little girlie will be in our arms, and not under my ribs. 🙂
that said, i’ve mentioned to all december/january clients that i’ll be taking February and March off to be with our newest member of the family. the studio will be closed during this time. however, i will be checking voiceemail and email once a week. if you need to reach me, please don’t hesitate to call or write…but please be patient if it takes a few days to respond. (sleep deprivation can be cruel!)
of course, i’ll try to post an image or two during the next couple of months…so stay tuned!
.a NEW year. newborn photographer, san luis obispo
seriously, the babies arriving this year are the yummiest yet! squeezable, kissable, absolutely delicious…