if you’re going to have a problem, i suppose this one is a good one to have: too many gorgeous images. no way to choose a favorite…or two…or 6…or ten. so guess what? i’m just going to show everything. (actually, this barely scratches the surface…) i LOVE this sweet little family!!!
if you’ve followed my blog for a couple of years–or if you’ve been to Bambini Baby in downtown SLO–you might recognize this hat. big sister sported it for HER 6 month pictures over 2 years ago! 🙂
and it came to pass… | california children’s photographer
and it came to pass that on the 26th day in the month of september following the first day of fall that dozens of children flocked to a little historic ranch in cayucos. there they played. there they ate (amy bakes cupcakes). there they frolicked in the sun. and little ole me, i sat in wonder (actually i never sat), and watched the beauty of the little personalities that surrounded me.
thank you EVERYONE who came out to make the Fall Mini Session event such a wild success! it was an honor to share the day with you…and introduce you to my friends from Jack’s Helping Hand. as exhausted as i was at the end of the day (the 104 degree day) i was so sad to have it end!
here is the first little peek for my sweet friends!
i see beauty | california children’s photographer
Long ago, in a time time so far away. When I had just two children…not yet three. I promised I would make the journey to celebrate a sweet little angel and capture her first year. Then along came little Miss B–the babe that would not sleep–and changed all that. 🙂 So, in honor of my sweet and beautiful little friends…and to make up for lost time…I give you: the mega post! (don’t these pictures just scream ALBUM !?!)