Category archives: family

Amongst Family | California Children’s Photographer

Have you ever met someone and felt immediately like you were part of the family?  It’s got to be the best feeling ever.  Oh the love!  🙂   This past weekend I got to meet up again with an amazing family…it was hard to imagine that 2 years had passed since I photographed Numero Uno.  And I have to say, Little Brother is the perfect addition to the sweet family.  Of course, some of my favorite captures from our evening were completely unscripted…like discovering the ladybugs in our field, and finding that the grass really does taste good.  (Mister S, you really are something else!)  While I have an epic blog post planned, here is just one of my favorites.

Hippity Hoppity… | California Children’s Photographer

…the Easter Bunny’s on his way!

Am I crazy or was there a ‘hippity hoppity’ song that we used to sing as kids?  For the life of me I can’t come up with the tune, but I’m pretty sure I’m not making this up.  It was the BEST song ever!!!  Although, now that I think of it, I might be splicing some Christmas-y lyrics into the mix.  Good grief, we have so many carols…can’t there be at least one Easter Bunny song?!?  I’m betting these boys would LOVE to hear it.  If anyone knows what I”m talking about and can send me confirmation of such a song, please let me know.  I owe these guys a little concert.  🙂

They’re plump, They’re Sweet… | California Children’s Photographer

Look at these adorable little creatures!  Do they not look so yummy?!?  This is such a fun, if not messy, activity for a rainy day.  The idea was inspired by a vintage how-to by McCalls, but of course, I improvised and worked with what candy we had in the candy jar.  🙂

Don’t worry, these animals are still ‘living’ and I pinky-swear they will not be devoured.  The rest of the marshmallows were not so lucky, though….

(note:  all images (c) lisa maksoudian.  please ask permission before re-blogging.  and please don’t steal.  and if you Pin, please link back to this site.  thank you!)