Category archives: family

.brothers. lisa maksoudian — child photographer

i thought i’d seen the most beautiful brothers in the world…until now!  i’m over the moon for these little guys!  mister I is quite the alphabet king…”a is for ‘ambitious’…d is for ‘determination’….z is for ‘zealous'”.  his vocabulary puts me to shame!  and oh, what great manners he has.  

baby D…well he’s just a bundle of pure love.  apparently we’re still waiting on teeth…i *puffy heart* those gummy smiles…and luscious lips…and amazing eyes!   thanks for letting me play with you, little brothers.   

filed under:  california baby photographer, california children’s photographer, childrens photography in san luis obispo, childrens photography in arroyo grande, santa barbara children’s photographer, baby photographer in santa barbara, modern children’s portraits, whimsical portraits

.a beach-y vacation.

…no, not a vacation for me…but for these little darlings!  this summer i’ve had quite a few families ask me to capture their families while vacationing on the central coast.  okay, twist my arm!!!  it’s not such a bad job, eh?  

my first glimpse of little R and miss D was picturesque!  they were walking ‘ollie’ (the softest little puppy i’ve ever met) and easily strode up to a beach-goer & began quite the little conversation!  what poise!  what personality!  i knew in an instant that i would be in heaven!  

miss D is about the sweetest, playful girl ever!  she worked cartwheels, spins, circles, leaps and just about every other move under the sun….and energy was still flowing!  she’s friends with pretty much everyone at her school.  of course.  and mister R–he masterminded and entire citadel & castle fortress in between takes.  of course, he melted my heart when he declared his love for me…what a little love!  i have to say, too, that mister R is about the fastest runner i’ve seen in these parts.  see below for proof…


filed under:  pismo beach photographer, avila beach photographer, beach photographer on the central coast, san luis obispo children’s photographer, san luis obispo kids photographer, kids beach photographer in pismo beach

.model baby.

yes, little E is definitely a model baby!  with her stunning blue eyes and sweet playful smile she really knows how to work the camera.  🙂  last week i got to know little E just a bit…and big brother too (who also melted my heart).  its times like these that i just want to put down the camera and play…but right when i do that they give a little glance and spring a little smile and i MUST capture it on ‘film’!  

by now this little bundle is probably crawling.  just a few short days ago she was rolling and scooting herself all over the place.  i’m guessing she’s already trying to keep up with mister M!!!

here’s a little sneak peak of this blue-eyed beauty:

filed under:  baby photographer, children’s lifestyle photographer, modern kids portraits, paso robles baby photographer, baby photographer in san luis obispo, baby photographer in santa barbara, san luis obispo childrens photographer

.i’m here.

i’m here…really i am!  last week was full of travel and adventure and while i tried to update ya’ll to say i’d be out of town i couldn’t:   i was locked out of my blog!  but now i’m back and have soooo many fun sessions to show!  including a funky-cool wedding in malibu and a tiny little visitor from japan!  i’ll be back with more pictures soon..but for now…look at this happy girl!  i love her tongue–she’s getting ready for her first little teeth!

filed under:  santa barbara baby photographer, paso robles baby photographer, san luis obispo children’s photographer, baby photographer in paso robles, modern kids portraiture

.happy anniversary.

today i’m celebrating 8 years of marriage to the most wonderful man on earth!  happy birthday, baby!

 filed under: san luis obispo kids photographer, kids beach photography, central coast childrens portraits, pismo beach kids portraits, avila beach kids photographer, whimsical kids portraits