Category archives: family

.globetrotter. lisa maksoudian-san luis obispo kids photographer

yes, i’ve been MIA…but i have a good excuse!  actually, i think i have several good excuses…  🙂   i’ve been all over the state of california meeting absolutely scrumptions little bumpkins and very cool kiddos!  from san diego to sacramento…ooooh i love to travel!  

it’s also the middle of ‘christmas’ in my world, so i’ve been burning the midnight oil quite.  AND, in the spare moments i’ve been trying to make some sweet memories with my own little babes.  (we’re heading out tonight and tomorrow as astronauts, so if you see two very serious looking space men coming towards you, don’t worry.  they just want candy!  🙂

anyways, i have about 10 minutes and wanted to showcase a few of super AMAZING little people.  i’m hoping to be able to come back to comment more, but for the the moment i have….here’s a peek at some smiles that make my heart sing!

filed under:  san luis obispo baby photographer, children’s photographer in san luis obispo, modern kids portraits, santa barbara children’s photographer, baby photographer in santa barbara county

.little miss ‘e’. lisa maksoudian-california childrens photographer

seriously, if i had these amazing, bright eyes looking at me all day i’d be such the biggest pushover! sure you can have more candy….. 

sugar AND honey in your tea…i don’t see why not.

a new puppy dog…absolutely!

are those not just the biggest, most expressive eyes!?  words cannot describe….

filed under:  childrens photographer, california kids photographer, commercial children’s photographer, san luis obispo kids photographer, santa barbara baby photographer

.little brothers & big sisters. lisa maksoudian-modern kids portraits

i’m not feeling so great right now, but just had to post these adorable images.  i think they speak for themselves…absolutely GORGEOUS kiddos with downright sparkling personalities!  the first picture is my favorite brother/sister picture EVER!

can i just tell you…it’s such an honor to capture such moments! the silly expressions, the pure emotion…and all of the playful expressions in between.  

i  just hope that miss A and mister L will look back on these pictures and remember…


the sweet bond that began as children…  

…the comfort of their mother’s arms…

what it is to daydream…and the beauty of ‘home’….

the magic of legos…

how a hat can solve the problems of the world…

daddy’s strong arms…

the wonder of life…

and what it feels like to dance in the rain!

filed under:  san luis obispo kids portraits, santa barbara kids portraits, san luis obispo children’s photographer, kids photographer in san luis obispo, central coast kids photographer, modern kids portaits, whimsical children’s photography

.stop and smell the daisies. lisa maksoudian-san luis obispo baby photographer

in the hustle and bustle of my days i’ve missed the regular posting of my sweet little friends.  miss A has grown so much since we first met in june…and we caught up a few weeks ago to capture some pictures with daddy.  in all of my life i’ve never seen a baby grow so fast!   her auburn hair was double-y rich, her eyes even more bright, and her smile way beyond sweet!  

before the weekend, i though i’d share one of my favorite images:    “stop and smell the daisies”.   i need to do that a little more often…

filed under:  san luis obispo baby photographer, baby photographer in san luis obispo, central coast children’s photographer, commercial photographer in san luis obispo, editorial children’s portraits, modern kids portraits

.modern flush mount album. lisa maksoudian-kids photographer

oh, i’m preparing some DARLING sneak peaks right now!  but to hold you over, here are a couple of images of a modern flush mount album (also called a digital album or a coffee table book).  i love these as each spread can feature multiple pictures….it’s really your own custom storybook!  these are WAY cool!  

(uggs and a bohemian skirt…it doesn’t get much better than that!  and those eyes…i swear they are for real!)

(do you see that silly face on the left?  is that not classic, ‘small but mighty’!?!  and on the right…i think the heaven’s open up when she smiles!)

seriously, he is THAT cool!  (and cute…but i don’t think he wants me to say that…)  🙂

this album is so fun…page by page…more personality, more fun times.  and then you open to this panorama…ahhhh!!!!  it’s just my favorite!

filed under:  california childrens photographer, children’s photography, modern kids portraits, modern albums, san luis obispo kids photographer, family photographer in california, kids photographer in san luis obispo