Category archives: family

.be original. lisa maksoudian-modern kids portraits

i’m not going to lie to you–my job is REALLY fun!  (most of the time)  🙂  and i have to say, i learn SO much from my little friends.  about all things princess, about ‘finger-berries’, some really crazy science facts, how to walk like a ballerina…    and occasionally i meet a little friend who reveals a new level of originality….and i just fall in love!

things i love…


the silly….

and the messy…

the charm…

the lovies…

the giggles…

and the sweetest little faces on earth!


filed under:  kids, children, children’s photographer in san luis obispo, santa barbara children’s photographer, paso robles children’s photographer, kids photographer in atascadero, lifestyle children’s portraits, modern kids portraits, documentary family photographer

.my fair ladies. lisa maksoudian-bay area children’s photographer

people always say i have the best job in the world…..AND I DO!  not that it’s easy, but it ‘s sooo incredibly wonderful to meet such amazing people….and pups!  (though i can hardly call this Great Peyrenees a ‘pup’!) It’s no secret that i LOVE to travel, so combining my ‘best job in the world’ with a trip to the Bay Area is really just a slice of heaven.  And then to meet the fairest of fair little ladies…yes, it’s over the top!  

R & Q were truly princesses….as well as garden fairies…with a touch of ‘tomboy-tree-climbing’  and lots of giggles. Mom and Dad….well, i absolutely fell in love with them, too!  🙂  


filed under:  bay area children’s photographer, baby photographer in california, norther california kids photography, san luis obispo kids photographer, santa barbara children’s photographer, modern kids portraits

.boys will be boys. lisa maksoudian-kids photographer in san luis obispo

it’s no secret…i love little boys.  and brothers, well they absolutely melt my heart.  mister N and brother L notwithstanding!  i’m going to make up for my lack of blogging…it’s HARD to keep up during the holidays…so here’s a nice big sampling of these adorable little guys.  i have more than a dozen other families to post…so fingers crossed i can catch up by new years!  🙂


my all time favorite picture from the session:

who would have thought that an orange shirt could just bring out the bluest of blue in these eyes?!?  i think he’s the most gorgeous cowboy i’ve ever seen!

well, make that a tie….this little cowboy is right up there with the looks…..

and the personality!


filed under:  kids photographer in san luis obispo, family photography, california children’s photographer, modern kids portraits, santa barbara kids photographer

.ouch. lisa maksoudian-kids photographer (and very sad mamma!)

no, this wasn’t a scooter accident.  not a trip or a fall.  this was poor little face injury was sustained when two little monkeys were jumping on the…couch.  couch-fort, that is.  i guess when you’re a little boy it’s plausible that you can slide face first down the side of a couch cushion much like you would a slide at the park.  unfortunately, it’s not the same.

.sweet boy in the bay. lisa maksoudian-modern baby photographer

meet little ‘L’….the happiest boy on the block…7:30 a.m… 50 degrees….! what a little love!  and check out this ‘fall’ color!  only in california do we have fall in december.  🙂


filed under:  baby, kids, child and baby photographer, baby pictures, modern kids portaits, san luis obispo baby photographer, san jose baby photographer, california kids photographer