it’s all about navigation and exploration when you’re nine months old. it’s so fun to see the intensity as little ones try to figure out how to get up, and how to move forward. and then there are those new teeth–so perfectly white and tiny. little M was, once again, an angel during his session. and i kid you not…he endured at least 5 outfit changes without a fuss!!! he was just looking for adventure…new places to explore…and peacocks to catch (yep, that’s right!). happy 9 months little man!!!
.tiny trio. paso robles childrens photographer
and i’m back…back in the world of blogging, that is! 🙂 this summer has been full of ADORABLE children from the Central Coast & Los Angeles, as well as from Sacramento. (seems SLO is the vacation location of choice for those living inland!) AND, i’ve had the most GORGEOUS brides lately, too. all that to say, i’ve been so busy shooting and processing that i’ve been a bit laggin’ on the braggin’ here. 🙂 (there’s a reason i’m not a rapper….)
this little family lives in one of the most brilliant places on earth…with chickens and sheep, barns & vines, trees and fields. there was no end to the adventures! we talked, explored, chased, and jumped. and at the end of the ‘day’ cooled down with a nice soak, al fresco. (the funnest and funniest time of all!) i miss these kiddos already!
.have a gorgeous weekend. pismo beach photographer
just a sneak peek of two gorgeous girlies before the weekend….
filed under: kids, tweenagers, children, family, photographer of kids, san luis obispo children’s photographer, pismo beach photographer, beach photographer in avila beach, sacramento children’s photographer
.have babes will travel. lisa maksoudian-san luis obispo newborn and childrens photographer
well this is different… i’m starting at the end and showing everything in reverse. oh well, some times it’s best that way. especially when there are the sweetest little piggies all painted in pink, wriggling and sifting through the sand! this is how we ended our day…dipping our tootsies in waves and enjoying the fresh ocean air.
oh wait, you want to see a face? okay, how about the face of a cherub…meet little miss O. i had been waiting for several months to meet little O and her brand new brother. mommy and daddy are truly inspiring…they teach their kids to travel early. and often! and they make the five hour (or more) journey to san luis obispo seem like a breeze. knowing that we’d have some free time while baby L was feeding, we added on a mini session for little-miss-2-year-old…
…and the mini session turned out to be a ‘day-in-the-life’ event. here’s what i first saw at the beginning of the day. those gorgeous eyes, that amazing hair, those incredibly adorable jammies…i knew it was going to be a good day!
and this is little L–with an equally amazing head of hair and the most serene personality ever! our session was timed around his arrival. while i do the majority of my newborn photography sessions on location, i love to shoot in my studio, too. and with this little guy i got the added bonus of venturing out to several fun locations here in San Luis Obispo as well!
in no time at all, little L will know this place as his “SLO House’. home away from home! i’m going to try to convince N & S to write about on ‘traveling with kiddos’…of course, i’ll happily provide the photographic demonstrations!
filed under: san luis obispo baby photographer, newborn photos, california children’s photographer, modern kids portraits
.mister personality. san luis obispo baby photography
]the first time i met little L, he was a tiny little pumpkin…just a few weeks old…but even then i could tell that there was a bourgeoning personality just begging to come out. (i really do love to be right!!) one of the biggest joys of being a children’s photographer is getting to capture their first year milestones. if you have children, then you know how quickly they change!
so here, at 3 months (give or take) is little L now. so sweet, so serene, and oh so happy. i don’t know if it’s his gorgeous blue eyes, those lushious lips, the yummy smile, or his adorable expressions that make me want to just eat him up! 🙂
(seriously, folks…i don’t eat babies. i just love them. 🙂

california baby photographer lisa maksoudian captures newborns and children
filed under: baby photography, kids, california baby, san luis obispo baby photographer, santa barbara child photographer, modern kids portraits, whimsical children’s portraits, california baby photographer, san luis obispo child photography