

…and now, back to our feature presentation!  

(can’t you just feel the breeze…the softness of the grass…the magic of the moment?!)



the new mrs. pierce is most likely dancing because she could finally take off her shoes!  mmmm…soft cool grass!

 i was eyeballing these aspiring little photographers.  it’s not too early to start grooming them to become my future assistants!  i’m just sayin’….





 filed under:  san luis obispo wedding photography, los altos country club

.we interupt our regular posting for a special preview.

i was in the middle of posting a fabulous wedding at the Los Altos Country Club.  but this special preview is just in!  we will continue the wedding coverage after this brief, most adorable moment:


yes they’re twins…brother and sister.    currently 5 pounds 14 oz and just over six pounds.  that’s like about 12 pounds of sheer lovin’ goodness!


filed under:  newborn photographer in san luis obispo, baby photographer in san luis obispo, san luis obispo newborn photographer, san luis obispo twins, san luis obispo twins photographer



.what began with a bet is now sealed with a vow.

that really has to be the most awesome way to describe your wedding day!  back in junior high, this little girl was bet a nickel that she would kiss a certain boy (i think that’s how the story goes).  now, twenty years later, these two AMAZING people are looking back on that day with a twinkle in their eyes!  i think i may not have cried more at my own wedding!!!  oh, so many pictures to share, but here’s the beginning of show and tell:

just before the ceremony…they held hands but didn’t sneak a peak.



apparently jim and shannon are the betting kind!



the muy guapo groom…

and the gorgeous, beaming, dancing bride!

 more pictures to come…


i thought i’d post a few recent favorites as a way of settling into my new blog space! and, in between posting all of the AMAZING babes, brides and brainiacs of the past few days we’ll see if i can add a few more recent favorites from the old blog (may it rest in peace).  i can’t wait to showcase all of the fun from the past few weeks nice and big on this here beauty-licious blog!!!   drop a line (post a comment) if you have a moment.  i love hearing from you!  🙂

for the next few months you can find the archives of last year right here:

new life



my girl



.sweet miss A.

oh, i am soooo behind in blogging and have quite a bit of work to do to catch up on the fun of the past few weeks… but i just had to show a few pictures of little miss A who warmed my heart last night despite the rather cool breeze! this little beauty was sooooo easy going, smiling the entire time! her copper colored hair and sparkling smile made tingles run down my spine! 🙂 little miss A, her mommy and daddy are absolutely a photographers delight! here’s the sneak peak!




filed under: children’s photographer in san luis obispo, baby photographer in san luis obispo, kids photography in san luis obispo, san luis obispo childrens photographer, santa barbara baby photographer