
.men in trees.

look at who i discovered the other day just outside my window!?!  this tree is SO big and has alot of history. most recently it housed a VERY large colony of bees. (thankfully they have packed up and moved away).  before that it supported a treehouse for the (creepy) boys who once rented the house.  and before that it…well, i would just be guessing.  anyways, now this tree with it’s dreamy foliage has a new occupant! meet, the man in the tree…he looks like something straight out of a fantasy!!!!  and he’s hiding!  oh the mystery!!!     🙂



.mister blue eyes.

meet little man ‘M’.  is he not perfect!?!  those gorgeous, soulful eyes…and those luscious pink lips!  i do believe this mister M is the most mellow, serene little bubba i’ve met.   

and look who’s standing on his own!  (i’m pretty sure that back hand was there to claim the chair…not for support!)  he’s got just a little more time to perfect the art of walking before his new baby arrives!


the brightest smile!  and perfect little teeth!  


no wonder where he gets he gets his good looks and winning smile!   
this little expression is my favorite!  

and what can be better than a daddy and his little mister?!?  a little mister on big mister’s shoulders!   i LOVE how tiny little M looks against  his daddy’s hands and head.  little boys grow so quickly…and these are my most favorite moments to capture!  happy birthday, little M!



filed under: baby photogapher in santa barbara, santa barbara baby photographer, san luis obispo baby photographer, avila beach photographer, central coast children’s photographer, san luis obispo kids photographer, childrens photography in san luis obispo, san luis obispo baby pictures

.golden gate school of photography.

june…june june june.  did we skip that month?  at the very least, it feels like last month was a whirlwind of craziness!  i had the most adorable, beautiful, fun and somewhat crazy clients.  AND, to top it all off i got to spend a few days at the Golden Gate School of Photography where i assisted my girlfriend, the amazing Jen Photo, teaching a Children’s Portrait class.  it was a ‘sold out’ class…oh the pressure!   jen did such a great job and the  students were ALL so friendly, fun and overall amazing!  even if they did laugh at Jen and I as we packed up three carloads of gear and materials into one very compact Jeep Rubicon!  🙂  (we actually had room to spare after the strategic packing!)  if only there was more time to get to know everyone better!

while were were there, we met our new best friend (Jen and I have agreed to share) Miss Kim Sayre of Mill Cottage Photo in San Francisco.  i don’t think our experience would have been the same if miss Kim didn’t sack out with us in the late evenings eating chips & salsa on the floor of our room laughing our heads off about who-knows-what-was-so-funny at 2 a.m.!  Kim taught the Album Design class and apparently rocked the worlds of her students!  oh, i forgot to mention that  Jen got an overwhelming response of gratitude for her presentation, too.  i’m sure i heard the words ‘marketing genious’ spoken during the week!  go Jen!  

during the course of the week we played with several models…including this ‘little mister’ who won my heart in about 1.5 seconds!   (can you see how much he loved me!)  🙂


other amazing photographers i met included Jonathon Mandel who’s winning personality and portfolio soooo impressed me, and Jeanne DePolo who kindly supplied me with my Diet Coke each morning.  she didn’t say as much, but obviously i must have looked desperately in need of caffeine.  🙂  Jeanne  is the President of the PPA chapter in San Francisco, i do believe and it was an honor to get to know here and share ideas with such a crazy-talented photographer.  

it was so fun to assist my BFF Jen and help tie up all the strings on the class. we are so appreciative of the support of some of our favorite vendors who contributed materials, including Big Folio and ProDPI.  we love you!



filed under;  photographic training, photography workshops

.doggie pictures.

i almost forgot to post pictures of baby K’s puppies!   next time i must remember to pack doggie treats to reward such winning expressions!

once again, i dedicate this post to my dear friend Jen….

filed under:  dog photography, dog photographer in san luis obispo, san luis obispo dog photographer

.the cutest babies are in SLO.

yes, it’s true.  the cutest babies in the WORLD are all right here in San Luis Obispo!   sometimes it feels weird to say things like:  ‘she’s sooooo delicious’…but when it comes right down too it, there’s no other way to say it!  baby K is truly scrumptions, every perfect inch of her.  and lucky girl, mommy has the most amazing sense of style.  makes me want to pack my bags and move on in…


the cutest little bug:

there’s ‘tickled pink’ and ‘green with envy’…is there saying for orange?  i think i’ll call this one ‘orange delight!’

i LOVE the yummy colors in this one!  mom chose all my favorite hues!


file under:  baby photographer in pismo beach, baby photographer in san luis obispo, san luis obispo baby photography, santa barbara baby photographer, Avila Beach photographer, Pismo Beach Photographer