
.sweet baby K.

there’s just something magic about newborns…they’re so tiny and yet so complete!  the littlest sighs and stretches literally send chills up my spine.  little baby K, in all her dainty ways, completely mesmerized me…more than once i just watched in awe as she slept…almost forgetting to take the picture!   🙂  did i mention that i love babies?!? 


filed under:  newborn baby photography, newborn photographer in san luis obispo, san luis obispo baby photographer, santa barbara newborn photographer, baby photographer in santa barbara

.a little visitor from japan.

yes, that’s right!  this little doll came all the way from Japan to ‘sunny’ California!  (it was a foggy day when we met…but little N literally lit up the place with her sweet smile!)  when mom asked if i’d come down south to photograph her babe i of course found a way to work her into my schedule!   it’s not every day that you meet a little 7 month old world traveler!  and i’m soooo glad it worked out because in a round-about way (i’m a VERY long and drawn out storyteller) we learned that her ‘grandma B’ is the great aunt of my friend Becky Hawkins, the artist and creator of SugarPlum Invitations.  once again, it’s a small small world!

it was so sad to leave my new little friend…japan is SUCH a long long ways away.  but i’m hoping to see miss N and mommy A again on another visit!  

oh, p.s.  the little outfits modeled here were to die for!  i’ll be back with some brand names if i can!  🙂

filed under:  modern kids portraits, modern baby photographer, baby photographer in santa barbara, santa barbara children’s photographer, san luis obispo baby photographer, baby photographer in san luis obispo, kids photographer in san luis obispo

.model baby.

yes, little E is definitely a model baby!  with her stunning blue eyes and sweet playful smile she really knows how to work the camera.  🙂  last week i got to know little E just a bit…and big brother too (who also melted my heart).  its times like these that i just want to put down the camera and play…but right when i do that they give a little glance and spring a little smile and i MUST capture it on ‘film’!  

by now this little bundle is probably crawling.  just a few short days ago she was rolling and scooting herself all over the place.  i’m guessing she’s already trying to keep up with mister M!!!

here’s a little sneak peak of this blue-eyed beauty:

filed under:  baby photographer, children’s lifestyle photographer, modern kids portraits, paso robles baby photographer, baby photographer in san luis obispo, baby photographer in santa barbara, san luis obispo childrens photographer

.jacks helping hand.

i’m so honored to be involved in this year’s fundraiser for Jacks Helping Hand.

it’s a long story (the way i tell it) how i was introduced to this amazing organization: my first little newborn of the year in Southern California’s great aunt is the director….and the sweetest family here in SLO (unrelated)…well, let’s just say ‘it’s a small world!’ 🙂

So what is Jacks Helping Hand? A non-profit which works to meet the unique unmet needs of physically and mentally disabled children and their families in San Luis Obispo County.

Their website is wonderful and contains so much information about the various services that they offer…i encourage everyone to check it out: Jacks Helping Hand.

This weekend is a great big fundraising BBQ at the Santa Margarita Ranch. There are signs posted all throughout San Luis (and i’m sure all over the county, too). Among other things is an auction with some AMAZING items…fabulous trips, concerts and of course a kid’s photo session by yours truly!  🙂

Jacks Helping Hand Fundraiser
Santa Margarita Ranch
Date: Saturday, July 19th
Auction: 4:30

I’m not sure if there are tickets left…really, this event is something else! And the organization which profoundly touches the lives of hundreds of families in our area is amazing. If you’re interested in finding our more, you can do so through their site.


.i’m here.

i’m here…really i am!  last week was full of travel and adventure and while i tried to update ya’ll to say i’d be out of town i couldn’t:   i was locked out of my blog!  but now i’m back and have soooo many fun sessions to show!  including a funky-cool wedding in malibu and a tiny little visitor from japan!  i’ll be back with more pictures soon..but for now…look at this happy girl!  i love her tongue–she’s getting ready for her first little teeth!

filed under:  santa barbara baby photographer, paso robles baby photographer, san luis obispo children’s photographer, baby photographer in paso robles, modern kids portraiture