happy thanksgiving everyone! i truly have a heart bursting with love and thanksgiving today!
for the rainy days that i’ve so longed for…
for cozying up with my boys on the couch during the storm…
for the amazing *little people* and sweet parents i’ve met this past week…
for getting a few minutes to stroll down the streets of Los Gatos (note…it’s not the same as Los Altos even though the it sounds similar and might *possibly* have been entered into the GPS as such…)
for my new iPhone (which i’m trying so hard to embrace)…
the bottle of wine from my sweet clients Jill & Mark…who probably took one look at me and could see i really need a night to chill!
for the coolest dog on the planet, miss Zelda Lucile, who chases her tail and does the coolest sumersaults!
for my amazing husband who i adore and really really like to be with…
for my incredible massage at the Four Seasons Biltmore (followed by an intense Steam Room experience)…oh and also for the cucumber water and lemongrass infused ice towels!
and for the sweetest time with my little family this morning!
all that said, we have the stomach flu in this household!!! i’m so sad that our dear friends Jen & Brad couldn’t be here with us…though i don’t blame them at all. we’re talking sickness…first the boys and now us! still, there’s something to be thankful for in the middle of the bugs and the mess that it brings…like having your 5 year old want you to sit and hold them all day. i can’t complain and not-so-secretly i’m reveling in the moments because i know they will pass so quickly!
i feel like i’ve completely neglected my poor blog, but in the crazy madness of the final sessions of the season…the crazy travel schedule i’m on…and the flu i’m going to let myself off the hook! 🙂
but, here are a few images to make up for lost time. really, miss E is the definition of ‘delicious’!

filed under: children, kids, baby, san luis obispo baby photographer, kids photographer in san luis obispo, california children’s photographer, baby photography, long beach babies