hello my little blog readers! i haven’t meant to neglect you all…i’ve just returned from a whirlwind week in Las Vegas! the WPPI convention was great, as usual, and i had a chance to meet so many amazing photographers. yes, it was a blast! that said, i’m so glad to be home, to squeeze my kiddos…and to breathe fresh ocean air. (second hand smoke is truly brutal!)
this year, the trip to Vegas was not merely to attend international photographer’s convention. in fact, i might have skipped the frenzy, but i had the chance to complete a training program for an organization that i’m so honored to be a part of.
in the past few years i’ve been able to contribute to some incredible non-profit groups, including the EOC Homeless Shelter and Jack’s Helping Hand. these companies, and the people who run them, are modern day heroes. the work is non-glamorous, but the results of their sacrifices are unmeasurable. they truly impact the lives of those they serve.
and while i’m so delighted to continue to donate to these organizations, i’m very honored to announce that i am now part of a charity organization called Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep.
“Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep (NILMDTS) is non-profit organization committed to assisting parents and families going through the difficult time when they experience an early infant loss. the photographers are entirely volunteer and offer sensitive photography services to allow families to remember their little angels. for more information, you can visit the NILMDTS website.”

i first heard of this group several years ago and thought it unique. but i couldn’t go there. the photographers for this group offer ‘infant bereavement photography’….and it sounded scary. then my life took a number of twists and turns that i would never choose. i’m not sure if could have faced it all if i didn’t believe that all things work together for good. and now, a year later, the choice to join NILMDTS as a volunteer photographer is truly a privilege.
this might be a surprising post to some of you, as i showcase so many amazing, healthy newborns and babes. but i believe that the work is incredibly important…and you never know who you’ll meet or the needs you’ll encounter in a lifetime. again, for more information, please contact me or visit the NILMDTS website.

thank you for all of your support!
sweet dreams,