dimpled fingers…bright shiny new teeth…the most adorable, kissable toes you’ve ever seen! really, the second and third year of a child is so incredibly precious. i mean, come on…i don’t see too many parents kissing their tweenager’s toes or talking about how sweet they smell. 🙂 once your babe is up on their feet, the chase begings. and so often, in all of the busy energy of a toddler’s life the details go uncaptured. that’s why i love it when moms call to have their inquisitive, bright eyed 2 year old’s portraits. at this age, they take on a more photojournalistic look because…gosh, there’s too much to do, to see, to touch to sit still for more than a second!
when i arrived at the home of little C i was met by bright jammies, big baby blue and the coolest craziest hair! like so many toddlers, there was always a car, a train…a lizard…clutched in his yummy little hands. in no time at all, the dimples, creases and folds will fill out and the transformation to ‘kid’ will be complete. but we have pictures to forever capture the perfection that is the 2 year old.
thanks for the fun, little C. i miss you already!

filed under: child, kids, child photographer, orange county child photographer, los angeles baby photographer, modern kids portraits, childrens photographer in san luis obispo, santa barbara child photographer