Author archives: Lisa

.pretty in pink. lisa maksoudian-newborn photographer, san luis obispo

i’m not going to lie to you…pink really is my all time favorite color!  it stands for all things sweet and girlie.  bubble gum lipgloss, hair bows, tutus, strawberry ice cream….and pink converse!  (look close and you’ll see them….)  i’m pretty sure that  little Miss A will truly be a girlie girl, despite the GeoTrax  and Legos that surround her.   🙂   ever sleepy, this tiny smiley babe barely made a peep while mommy and i played with all sorts of fun wraps and hats.  oh, and her gorgeous bedroom….it would make even molly ringwald jealous!   


filed under:  newborns, baby, photographing newborns, san luis obispo newborn photographer, newborn photographer in santa barbara, baby photographer san luis obispo,

.just because. lisa maksoudian-childrens photographer, san luis obispo

just because.  sometimes there doesn’t have to be a reason…right?

i’ll be back soon with more babes and kiddos to share!   🙂


note:  february is completely booked…march & april portrait sessions are filling quickly!  



filed under:  kids photographer san luis obispo, baby photographer, modern kids portraits, baby photographer santa barbara


i’m SOOO sorry everyone!  in switching to a new email program this afternoon there was an unfortunate glitch…..the entire world it seems received ‘auto reply’ messages from me.  i’m so sorry to clutter everyone’s inbox!  if i could just change the ‘auto-reply’ to a Happy New Year note i would in a heartbeat.   and i’d send a Happy New Year note….but your inboxes are probably already full.  ugh!

thank you so much for your understanding!

