Author archives: Lisa

.small paul. lisa maksoudian, california children’s photographer

i just KNEW i was in heaven when i walked in to meet this little guy and he was dressed in Small Paul!  really, everything about mister A–including his parents–is absolutely the incredible.  so alert & so curious he endured countless outfit changes without so much as a fuss.  here is a tiny little sneak peek…more to come!

filed under:  babies, newborns, children, baby photographer in san luis obispo, children’s photographer in california, california newborn photographer

.darling. lisa maksoudian, san luis obispo children’s photographer

happy friday, everyone!  i just wanted to show a couple of pictures of a recent album.  from design to bind, i become a bit attached to my custom albums.  they’re one of a kind, and absolutely amazing in every detail.  then, factoring in the DARLING children featured, it’s no wonder my heart skips a beat when i receive them.  this one has already been delivered, but i took a couple of quick shots before i let go of it!

oh, and if these kiddos look familiar it’s probably because you’ve seen their sweet smiles in Hopskotch Kids, the hippest children’s boutique in Downtown SLO. (on Garden Street)

filed under:  children, kids, commercial children’s photographer, california commercial photographer, kids photographer in san luis obispo, commercial photographer in california

.spring. lisa maksoudian, san luis obispo photographer

a little bird told me that spring was here.  i can never keep track of it’s exact date, but it CERTAINLY feels like it here on the Central Coast.  warm weather.  birds singing.  flowers blooming.  allergies raging.  🙂  aside from the allergies, though, it’s absolutely amazing!  and it really does make all the circuits in my brain go crazy with new ideas and projects.

filed under:  personal projects

.going going…..

…gone!  nearly three months of 2009 are gone already.  it hardly seems possible!  what’s more, sessions are currently booked though the end of April already.  now that the time has changed, the grasses are green, and the weather is…well, it’s supposed to warm up a bit…everyone is looking to do their sessions in the beauty that is California.  the fields, the vineyards and the beaches.  summer tends to be one of the busiest times for portrait sessions, so if you’re hoping to book a session, shoot me an email to reserve a date!

.peace, love and crocs. lisa maksoudian-children’s photographer, san luis obispo

there’s something about brothers that just speaks to me.  maybe because i grew up with only brothers.  lived through so many WWW-esque wrestling matches.   legos.  pyrotechnic escapades.  and possibly even a home-made bomb or two.  (oh the horror of it!)  

and maybe it’s because i revel in the brotherhood of my own kiddos.  the camaraderie, the duels, and the conspiracies.  the fact is, i find brothers incredibly cool and absolutely irresistible!   

mister J and mister B are no exception.  odd as it sounds, we were thwarted by false weather reports on the day of our session.  (yes, we do have SOME weather here on the Central Coast.)  thinking we’d dodge the rain, we headed out mid-day…only to find blindingly bright sunny skies. and when i say blindingly, i mean tears-streaming-down-your-face, red-peepers-that-just-won’t open bright!  and so our adventures took us all over hill and dale.  and these guys were troopers!  (must have had some kind of ice-cream extravaganza promised them!)  

we captured the sweet and the charming, not to mention the ‘crazies’…and this one little picture that i just love.  if you don’t have boys, or if you weren’t raised with brothers you may not understand…but two boys standing in peace is…well sometimes it’s ellusive.  that said, big J and little B shared quite a few ‘together’ moments that just melted my heart.  

like this….

this guy is playing shy…and i loved his charming little glance!  really, he’s the life of the party and super-outgoing.

and big brother had eyes to die for!

see that glance at big brother…that’s what i’m talking about!!!this…well, this is all boy.

and last one in vintage…because it just says ‘nostalgia’.  🙂

thanks for the fun, J&B!  (oh, and thanks ALOT for beating me at tic-tac-toe like 100 times!)

filed under:  children, kids, kids photography, children’s photographer in san luis obispo, san luis obispo children’s photographer, family photographer in san luis obispo, santa barbara family photographer, california children’s photographer