Author archives: Lisa

.six months comes all too soon. baby photographer in san luis obispo, lisa maksoudian

little M is half way through his first year already…i can hardly believe it!  and during the past three sessions together i don’t think i’ve ever heard anything but coos and gurgles.  never a cry! mommy really needs to share how she has such happy babies– i’m beginning to think there’s a secret formula!  

© 2009 lisa maksoudian

© 2009 lisa maksoudian

environmental childrens portraits, lisa maksoudian photographs babies, newborns and toddlers


i think Tyra would agree Mister M is a born model.  it starts with looks (lushious eyelashes always help) …but also requires personality and a variety of expressions.  just look at all the sweet & silly  faces that he can dazzle with:environmental childrens portraits, lisa maksoudian photographs babies, newborns and toddlersenvironmental childrens portraits, lisa maksoudian photographs babies, newborns and toddlers

santa barbara childrens photographer lisa maksoudian shoots kids and babies pictures


how’s that to brighten your day?

.three boys and a princess. arroyo grande children & baby photographer

first the princess…

california commercial children's photographer lisa maksoudian specializes in modern kids portraits

then her big brothers.

wait for it…

wait for it…

san luis obispo children's photographer lisa maksoudian, urban kids sessioncalifornia commercial children's photographer lisa maksoudian specializes in modern kids portraits(just had to put little miss D in again….i loved her little peekaboo game.)

california commercial children's photographer lisa maksoudian specializes in modern kids portraits
california commercial children's photographer lisa maksoudian specializes in modern kids portraits

san luis obispo children's photographer lisa maksoudian, urban kids session



children's photographer in san luis obispo lisa maksoudian captures modern kids portaitscalifornia children's photographer lisa maksoudian specializes in modern kids portraitscalifornia children's photographer lisa maksoudian specializes in modern kids portraits 


can you believe how gorgeous…and hilarious…this family is?  mom and dad surely have their hands full…but i tell you, these kiddos were amazingly cooperative and–i must again say, SO FUN–on this freezing day.  

.raindrops on roses and…gorgeous new albums!

there have been so many albums coming through the studio lately and i’ve completely forgotten to grab some snapshots to catalog them!!!  thankfully my mind was doing this job this morning, though, and i got a couple of quicky images before it ships out to its rightful owner!!!  🙂 

filed under:  albums, products, childrens photographer in california, san luis obispo children’s photographer, baby portraits, modern kids portraits