Author archives: Lisa

.have a gorgeous weekend. pismo beach photographer

just a sneak peek of two gorgeous girlies before the weekend….img_1319webimg_1289webb

filed under:  kids, tweenagers, children, family, photographer of kids, san luis obispo children’s photographer, pismo beach photographer, beach photographer in avila beach, sacramento children’s photographer

.have babes will travel. lisa maksoudian-san luis obispo newborn and childrens photographer

well this is different… i’m starting at the end and showing everything in reverse.  oh well, some times it’s best that way.  especially when there are the sweetest little piggies all painted in pink, wriggling and sifting through the sand!  this is how we ended our day…dipping our tootsies in waves and enjoying the fresh ocean air. 

california childrens photographer, lisa maksoudian photographs kids and babies on location with a whimsical modern styleoh wait, you want to see a face?  okay, how about the face of a cherub…meet little miss O.  i had been waiting for several months to meet little O and her brand new brother.  mommy and daddy are truly inspiring…they teach their kids to travel early.  and often!   and they make the five hour (or more) journey to san luis obispo seem like a breeze.  knowing that we’d have some free time while baby L was feeding, we added on a mini session for little-miss-2-year-old…082_n00381
san luis obispo childrens photographer, lisa maksoudian has a modern whimsical portrait style…and the mini session turned out to be a ‘day-in-the-life’ event.  here’s what i first saw at the beginning of the day.  those gorgeous eyes, that amazing hair, those incredibly adorable jammies…i knew it was going to be a good day!storyboard16and this is little L–with an equally amazing head of hair and the most serene personality ever!  our session was timed around his arrival.  while i do the majority of my newborn photography sessions on location, i love to shoot in my studio, too.  and with this little guy i got the added bonus of venturing out to  several  fun locations here in San Luis Obispo as well!008b_n0038in no time at all, little L will know this place as his “SLO House’.  home away from home!   i’m going to try to convince N & S to write about on ‘traveling with kiddos’…of course, i’ll happily provide the photographic demonstrations!066c_n0038108b_n0038storyboard1035b_n0038storyboard6

filed under:  san luis obispo baby photographer, newborn photos, california children’s photographer, modern kids portraits

.weddings are full of surprises. san luis obispo wedding photographer

stumbled across this little Santa Cruz wedding chapel this weekend.  check out the guests…they’re falling all over the place with excitement.  or fear…it’s not every day a hunchback climbs down the belltower these days!  🙂

san luis obispo wedding photographer,

the following images were taken at the Chaminade…i’ll be photographing a couple of weddings there this year.   not to mention enjoying the fabulous resort and spa a bit, too!img_0416blogchaminade wedding photographer, santa cruz californiachaminade wedding photographer, santa cruz californiafiled under:  weddings, san luis obispo wedding photographer, photographer in san luis obispo, santa barbara baby photographer, newborn photographer serving san luis obispo, santa barbara, santa maria and the central coast

.all the pretty things. san luis obispo wedding photographer

i’ll be adding more to this post in the next day or so…i have so many people begging for a peek!adornments2
san luis obispo wedding photographer, lisa maksoudian captures modern portraits and whimsical details as well as childrens photography in san luis obispoadornments flowers, san luis obispo wedding photographer and california children's photographer

san luis obispo wedding photographer, first presbyterian church, adornments flowers, san luis obispo baby photographersan luis obispo wedding photographer, flowers by adornments, lisa maksoudian is san luis obispo newborn photographer
san luis obispo wedding photographer, edna valley vineyards
san luis obispo wedding photographer, kim and co salonfiled under:  weddings, first presbyterian church, edna valley vineyard, kim & co salon, adornments, san luis obispo wedding photographer, wedding photographer in california, san luis obispo baby photographer, newborn photographer in san luis obispo and the central coast