Author archives: Lisa

.things that make me smile.

little girlies.  dress up clothes.   pink.  and puppies.  (especially pups with the name ‘lucy’)….
san luis obispo maternity and baby photographer, serving the central coast of california

child and baby photographer in san luis obispo, specializing in children's photography and modern kids portraits

filed under:  baby photographer arroyo grande, san luis obispo baby photographer, children’s portraits, santa barbara kids photographer, pismo beach photographer, modern kids portraits

.published. (!!!!!!)

a few months ago i got news that one of my portraits was to be published in a new coffee-table style image book.  exciting news for a photographer in a small town.  the company sent a preview of the layout of the book and it looked exceptional. my image was to be about 3/4 of the way through the nearly 200 pages.   so yesterday, when i received my copy of the book, i was astounded by how large it turned out.  of course, i immediately flipped back to the pages where my picture would be.  nothing.  not there.  

so i looked for at the index for my listing.  page 1.  surely it had to be a typo.  but no, i opened the book to the title page and there it was…on PAGE 1!!!   awesome.

santa barbara childrens photographer lisa maksoudian shoots kids and babies portraitsfiled under:  awards, international awards, commercial and portrait photographer on the central coast of california

.simply beautiful. san luis obispo wedding photographer

just one from a wedding i’m finishing up tonight….

san luis obispo wedding photographer, pismo beach weddings, guiseppes weddingsokay, maybe one more…
wedding photographer on the central coast of california, san luis obispo, pismo beach, morro bayor two…153_chauntelle-andy

filed under:  san luis obispo wedding photographer, wedding photography in pismo beach, cayucos, san luis obispo, and the central coast of california

.she wears lavendar so well.

san luis obispo newborn photographer lisa maksoudian specializes in baby photography including infants, babes and toddlerssanta barbara newborn photographer lisa maksoudian specializes in baby pictures on the central coastcentral coast children's photographer lisa maksoudian captures newborn photography and childrens portraits

filed under:  newborn photographer, baby photography in san luis obispo, california children’s photographer, santa barbara newborn photographer