if you follow my blog, you know i don’t typically post personal stuff. but for the past few months, i’ve gotten very bad about hardly posting any thoughts or studio updates at all! it’s not that i don’t want to share…it’s just that time is so limited and my priority has been to get client orders filled in a timely manner. all that to say, sorry if i’ve seemed a bit ‘cyptic’ in the past little while! i see better blog-ication (that’s a combo of blog/communication) in the future. 🙂 for now, here’s a few bits and pieces to answer some questions we’ve been receiving:
first up: i am back from maternity leave! if you’ve emailed an inquiry in the past couple of weeks, we will be in touch with you shortly. currently the studio is open tuesdays and fridays. response time might take an extra couple of days, but feel free to call if you think that your email has gone astray.
second: we are currently booking late june-september. if you’re interested in securing a session, please let me know right away. during my leave quite a waiting list developed!
baby update: baby B is growing so fast! we’re loving every minute of her life…her sweet little coos as well as her girly-cry. i *heart* newborns…and i’m especially having fun this time navigating a sea of pink. thank you EVERYONE for your thoughtful comments, emails, and calls. we feel so loved!
facebook update: i’ve gotten several emails asking if i’ve received facebook notes. the official answer is…i’m not a facebooker. sorry! i do have an account, but i don’t regularly check it. i love the idea of FB, but at this point in life it adds yet another thing…
finally: i have people asking what the latest date is for *christmas* sessions. this year, the studio will be closed november and december for rest and rejuvination. during that time new projects and products will be getting ready for the 2011 season.
(and just had to post a few snaps of little B…can you see why we are so in love?!?)